nization—some 200,000 members we understood and they had just finished a big campaign about "the Pill" and were going to take up abortion next. Anyway we spent about 2 hours with them and filled them in pretty well on the whole field of TV. They were very nice and very interested. This effort was rewarded later because late in October I received a copy of Sextant in which there was a nice article about our interview (in Dutch so I can't read much of it). As a result we have had several inquiries from people in Holland and Belgium about TVia and FPE-NE so that visit was worthwhile.
July 1. This was a Tuesday but it was Holland not Belgium. We took a tour around the canals and harbor in one of the many sight- seeing boats. We also took in the beautiful flower auction which was very interesting. I've never seen so many flowers of all varieties in my life each lot auctioned off in about 15 seconds by an auctioneer who just waits for the buyers to push a button at their seats and stop a "clock" that doesn't read time but money and which moves quite rapidly from a high figure like 100 cents on down. Our tour also took us to the town of Volendam where the townspeople still wear the traditional costume. A shop there fits you in this costume and takes a picture. The little Dutch girl that you see in the picture is not Whist- ler's mother (she faces the other way). That lil' ol' lady in wooden shoes is-me.
That evening we had dinner with Peggy and wife. She is the founder of an organization called WOCAS in Holland. We discussed the matter in a combination of German, French and English which was not the greatest communication in the world but we managed to make out each others ideas. We agreed on many things but disagreed on a major one. She believes in taking in every one and then weeding out the undesireables or misfits. I believe in selecting in the first place to keep the misfits and wrong types from being a threat to others. This is a fundamental tenet of FPE in order to provide some security and assurance to those who have a lot to lose. By her method persons of questionable motives are allowed to correspond with others without restraint and this opens the possibility of trouble. She believes in taking in all comers so as to be sure not to leave some lonely person out in the cold this is commendable but I believe in taking steps to protect those who have already committed themselves and entrusted themselves to me through Contact or FPE. But apart from that we had a pleasant dinner at the top of the Harbor Dept. building high over the city of Amsterdam. Very pretty, lots of fun. Dick and I enjoyed it.